Impact Measurement
We identify key performance indicators and track social impact over time.

Brand Management
We utilize social media and other platforms to implement forward-thinking market strategies to showcase your organization’s work/impact

Market Analysis
We conduct market research to gain a better understanding of the challenges and strengths of each sector.

Financial Planning
We aid clients in managing NPO incorporations, as well as fiscal sponsorship, revenue generation/maximization, and budgeting.

Risk Mitigation
We identify, evaluate, and prioritize risks in order to minimize the probability and mitigate the impact of unfortunate events

Identify Partnerships
We find and identify points of commonality between clients and other socially-conscious organizations to aid with efficiency
Client Testimonial

"Their final presentation was done at such a high level that it looked like (and would have passed for) an engagement from a team of veteran consultants from a leading firm and not a team of undergraduate students."
- Kelley Costa, Founder & CEO of Churn Homemade, 2023 CMU 180DC Client